Obesity is a growing epidemic in India and its treatment is extremely essential according to the bariatric surgery doctor. Most individuals suffering from obesity can control this disease by lifestyle measures, however, there are some who need Bariatric (weight loss) surgery to help them fight this disease which would, otherwise, bring many more other diseases like diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, fatty liver disease and various cancers.

Bariatric surgery doesn’t mean one surgery. There are many procedures to choose from depending upon the severity of obesity and other factors like presence of associated diabetes, age of the patient, dietary habits, physical activity levels, acid reflux disease and others.

The decision on type of procedure of bariatric surgery in Kolkata is made by the Bariatric team in consultation with the patient. The common procedures are Roux-en-Y gastric bypass(RYGB), Mini gastric bypass(MGB) and sleeve gastrectomy (LSG). All these procedures are performed by laparoscopy under general anesthesia.

To understand it better let’s see a few simplified examples. An older patient with diabetes will be more suited for an RYGB. A patient with BMI more than 50 will be better suited for an MGB or RYGB. For a young patient with lesser degree of obesity a sleeve gastrectomy can be offered. All factors are taken together to bring out the best choice of procedure for a patient. It’s a tailor-made approach. One surgery doesn’t fit all. The bariatric surgery cost in Kolkata also differs as per the type of procedure.

More and more patients in Kolkata are coming forward for Bariatric surgery. They want to reclaim their health and improve their quality of life.